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Structural feedback loops, continuously improve, continuously updating the Use Case Tree.

Continuously optimize, as a Business-as-Usual (BAU) activity, all delivered use cases in terms of quality, inter-use case integration, evolution of more reusable components, "connecting the dots" across use cases, analysing the EKG to see patterns and so forth.

The EKG CoE should be a standing organization (federated or not) that "owns" and orchestrates the EKG overall — not necessarily the data or the various distributed platforms themselves — and continuously looks into how things can be improved and how changes can be prepared and planned for. This is not necessarily primarily a technical activity, this is more about how can all the delivered use cases be optimized in terms of quality, inter-use case integration, evolution of more reusable data components, "connecting the dots" across use cases, analysing the actual EKG data to see patterns and so forth. Things that normally would only really happen in the context of a project would now be done by a standing organization – the CoE – on a continuous basis.




The CoE works in collaboration with your product owners — or use case owners — and the owners of all the upstream and downstream systems that connect to the EKG and your PMO department to continuously identify points to improve, identify risks and help manage the various backlogs in the context of the overall UCT.


  • Identification of new business outcomes and use cases, extending the documentation of the overall UCT
  • Further detailing of next releases of use cases before they are associated to actual projects or budgets.
  • Maintenance of the RAID log[RAID]: Risks, Actions, Issues, Decisions.
  • Root-cause analyses of EKG related issues in relevant issue management systems, translation to backlog stories or tasks.
  • Identification of potential improvements in overall Data Architecture, Data Sourcing, Data Governance and Data Strategy in the context of your current and planned EKG use cases.


  • EKG Performance optimization
  • UCT improvement
  • EKG Technical Architecture improvement
  • Ontology Architecture improvement
  • Overall Data Architecture, Governance and Strategy in the context of EKG
Author: Jacobus Geluk
