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For every given Use Case we want to start with capturing the concepts and terms that the user or "the business" uses or wants to use.

Most of these concepts and their terms will be pre-defined in all kinds of vocabularies but for brand-new use cases in a new domain concepts and their terms will have to be created.

At the initial stages of a use case, the focus should be on capturing the language of the users in their domain, which may not necessarily involve discussing ontologies. The main goal is to gather requirements and understand the problem context, as well as the terms and concepts used by the users. Later in the use case's life cycle, once the problem is well understood, the relevant ontologies can be mapped to the terms and concepts captured earlier. This allows for better integration of the use case with the overall EKG ecosystem.

As the use case evolves and the understanding of the domain becomes clearer, it may be necessary to adjust the captured concepts and terms to better reflect the reality of the domain. , it may be necessary to map the captured concepts and terms to more appropriate terms in a specific ontology or vocabulary to ensure consistency and interoperability across the enterprise. In either case, the important thing is to ensure that the captured concepts and terms accurately reflect the reality of the domain and the needs of the stakeholders.
