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Bridge the traditional gap between Business & Technology

Align business expectations with technology delivery.

  • Engage with the business, the product owner and get continuous buy-in from the product owner during the life-cycle of the agreed use cases.

  • But not only with the product owner of the direct use case being developed but also show to the business what other future needs need to be considered.
    For instance, if one use case e.g. "Legal Entities" needs "workflows", would it make sense to invest a bit more effort to then create a reusable workflow component that can also be used for many other use cases such as "Shareholding disclosure"?

  • Yes, the customer is always right but the Use Case Tree shows to the customer that there are many other customers (or future customers, in and outside the organization even) and why it makes sense to prioritize reuse and how that not only could deliver more quality but also create more buy-in from peer stakeholders across the firm or even across the industry.

    • In other words, do not select one product owner to be the single stakeholder but also get other stakeholders of neighboring or higher level use cases in the room, their requirements may influence the reuse agenda and therefore the roadmap. It may sound paradoxal but investing in reuse will not slow things down but speed things up.
Author: Jacobus Geluk
