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Allocate resources, organize a team and start creating a "Center of Excellence for the EKG" (CoE).


Building an EKG falls apart into two major types of development work-streams:

  1. The EKG/Platform
  2. Any of the EKG use cases
    EKG Use Cases – reusable EKG components that can be seen as “apps” or “systems” or “projects” – we call them use cases – can only be delivered if there is at least a minimal form of an EKG/Platform in place. One EKG/Platform---either in distributed form or not---can serve an unlimited number of EKG Use Cases across an unlimited number of business areas and user groups, serving all the various needs, priorities, and agendas of all at the same time.

For the EKG/Platform we recommend having an architecture plan or even set up a permanent architecture board or working group to discuss and manage the evolution of the platform alongside with the rest of the organization’s infrastructure and the evolution of the use cases that your EKG/Platform is supporting.

Center of Excellence

Since the EKG is such as strategic asset, we would recommend to not outsource everything to a software house, to a consulting firm or to a vendor. The EKG should be "owned" by your organization.

A "Center of Excellence for the EKG" would therefore be required. One can debate whether that should be one unit, a virtual team or a distributed team, fact is that the EKGF and its community of consultancy firms would love to help build that CoE and support it on its journey towards establishing an Enterprise Knowledge Graph until it is fully self-sufficient.

Consultancy firms can assist with any activities required in the CoE in one of two forms, two different delivery models:

  1. In the coaching role, the CoE runs the show, the consultancy firm provides any of its experts on a Time & Material basis.
  2. For acceleration of the use case roadmap, the consultancy firm also provides the service to take on a whole use case on its own, helping the CoE to achieve its goals faster. This is a different delivery model than "Coach" since in this case the consultancy firm runs the show when it comes to end-to-end delivery of the---agreed---use case (tree). Which can then be priced differently. Fixed price, fixed date, value/outcome based pricing, depending on circumstances. Especially when the EKG reaches higher levels of maturity, it will become more and more predictable to develop a new use case because all metrics will be there and the practice of model-driven development will be in place.



Author: Jacobus Geluk
